Great walls of China


Chinese walls have been erected – not by Beekay – but by Jagdeo.

Guyanese would remember the huge chinese wall that was thrown up by jagdeo around the GuySuCo Skeldon factory. No Guyanese has full details of the Skeldon factory (how much money was spent, what were the contract details, how much materials was sold on site by the chinese, how much was removed to ministers and businessmen’s properties, etc).

That virtual wall around the Skeldon deal has never been conquered.

Then there is the Russian deal. One man flies to Miami on a monthly basis to meet with the Russians. SUVs await certain officials at Miami airport on their touchdown. No guyanese knows the full quantum of bauxite that is mined and exported by the Russians – they have collaborated with the Miami traveller and the President to build a Chinese wall around the Rusal deal.

There has been many others – stadium money, geeta knight’s squandermania, huge property acquisitions in miami, the fippin motilal (US15million) etc.

Last week there was the announcement of Jagdeo’s deals with a Chinese firm for his 47million cable project. No feasibility study, environmental study, long term planning is in place for this deal. Someone will obviously make millions, so the Chinese (literally) are employed to build a chinese wall around the cable project.

I wonder if this is the same company that is doing GT&T’s infrastructure – and if it is, then maybe it is another chinese wall – that there is a hidden deal between GT&T and the Government.

Chinese walls are going up everywhere. We hope that one day the walls will fall like Jericho walls. But please, Savior, let it fall on their heads – and forgive us for these sinful intentions since we are surrounded by Chinese walls.

>Great walls of China


>Chinese walls have been erected – not by Beekay – but by Jagdeo.

Guyanese would remember the huge chinese wall that was thrown up by jagdeo around the GuySuCo Skeldon factory. No Guyanese has full details of the Skeldon factory (how much money was spent, what were the contract details, how much materials was sold on site by the chinese, how much was removed to ministers and businessmen’s properties, etc).

That virtual wall around the Skeldon deal has never been conquered.

Then there is the Russian deal. One man flies to Miami on a monthly basis to meet with the Russians. SUVs await certain officials at Miami airport on their touchdown. No guyanese knows the full quantum of bauxite that is mined and exported by the Russians – they have collaborated with the Miami traveller and the President to build a Chinese wall around the Rusal deal.

There has been many others – stadium money, geeta knight’s squandermania, huge property acquisitions in miami, the fippin motilal (US15million) etc.

Last week there was the announcement of Jagdeo’s deals with a Chinese firm for his 47million cable project. No feasibility study, environmental study, long term planning is in place for this deal. Someone will obviously make millions, so the Chinese (literally) are employed to build a chinese wall around the cable project.

I wonder if this is the same company that is doing GT&T’s infrastructure – and if it is, then maybe it is another chinese wall – that there is a hidden deal between GT&T and the Government.

Chinese walls are going up everywhere. We hope that one day the walls will fall like Jericho walls. But please, Savior, let it fall on their heads – and forgive us for these sinful intentions since we are surrounded by Chinese walls.

As the Earthly One returns

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We are rambling dangerously….on this special day:

As the Earthly one returns to Guyana, his worshippers are gathering at the Airport to welcome and worship him. Gerry Gouveia’s invitation to the corporate world invited all to join him in the pilgrimage to the airport to receive The Big Ego. The Ministers, the Advisers, the soup drinkers, the account holders, the contract receivers – will all be driving hummers and prados and other SUVs to the airport tonight….polluting the air with their gas guzzlers while their environmental hero arrives in a cloud of pollution into his loving crowd of corruption.

No sweat! We dont begrudge the man for his award that was made on the backs of lying about the forests and the amerindians while sharing the profits from selling dolphins, mining concessions and large blocks of land and properties to Boyer, Gouveia,Brassington, Yong, Ramroop etc. No sweat at all!

But remember that while he is sashaying across the world, zipping from one country to another, we sweat it out in Guyana. Taking licks from the police, paying 16% VAT and 33% income tax on our earnings. No, no sweat that the Mighty Ego will be riding high in the next couple of weeks. After all, all the awards and degrees are like the presidency – fake, just paper awards – no real work done.

Caution to Kissoon, Christofer Ram, Ramjattan etc etc… watch out…. the Mighty Ego will be riding high during the next couple of days. He will lash out about Lumumba and its terrible indictment on him. He will lash out at the kaieteur and stabroek and will cut off ads.

He will lash out at the PNC, AFC, the UG protest and anyone who dares to criticize….sigh…those whom the Gods want to destroy they first make them mad.

Double sigh….But the cunning ways will continue as the $50-million hydro, $17-million road, $37 million cable and countless contracts will be awarded just like he has been. The stink of corruption is rising to high heaven. Welcome home oh mighty ego.

>As the Earthly One returns


>We are rambling dangerously….on this special day:

As the Earthly one returns to Guyana, his worshippers are gathering at the Airport to welcome and worship him. Gerry Gouveia’s invitation to the corporate world invited all to join him in the pilgrimage to the airport to receive The Big Ego. The Ministers, the Advisers, the soup drinkers, the account holders, the contract receivers – will all be driving hummers and prados and other SUVs to the airport tonight….polluting the air with their gas guzzlers while their environmental hero arrives in a cloud of pollution into his loving crowd of corruption.

No sweat! We dont begrudge the man for his award that was made on the backs of lying about the forests and the amerindians while sharing the profits from selling dolphins, mining concessions and large blocks of land and properties to Boyer, Gouveia,Brassington, Yong, Ramroop etc. No sweat at all!

But remember that while he is sashaying across the world, zipping from one country to another, we sweat it out in Guyana. Taking licks from the police, paying 16% VAT and 33% income tax on our earnings. No, no sweat that the Mighty Ego will be riding high in the next couple of weeks. After all, all the awards and degrees are like the presidency – fake, just paper awards – no real work done.

Caution to Kissoon, Christofer Ram, Ramjattan etc etc… watch out…. the Mighty Ego will be riding high during the next couple of days. He will lash out about Lumumba and its terrible indictment on him. He will lash out at the kaieteur and stabroek and will cut off ads.

He will lash out at the PNC, AFC, the UG protest and anyone who dares to criticize….sigh…those whom the Gods want to destroy they first make them mad.

Double sigh….But the cunning ways will continue as the $50-million hydro, $17-million road, $37 million cable and countless contracts will be awarded just like he has been. The stink of corruption is rising to high heaven. Welcome home oh mighty ego.